Playing 365 days

7,000 sqm of fun

As one of the best Kinderhotels in Austria, we’re not afraid to say that if children were able to build their own holiday paradise then they would build a hotel like ours. We have 2000 m² of indoor play area and 5000 m² of outdoor play area to explore.

Indoor soft play area

Our spectacular soft play area with pipe slides over 5 floors (12 m), rope courses, bouncy castle, climbing ramp, ball pool and a spider’s web leaves even our mascot Fridolin Fox stunned by how amazing it all is!

Go-kart track

Our fleet of electric go-karts guarantees maximum fun without any risk and an excitement level that accelerates from 0 to 100 in no time at all!

Cinema & theatre

All heroes of cinema have one thing in common: They are the stars of the films which we show daily in the Alpenrose cinema on a 5 × 3 metre screen with Dolby THX surround sound. Fantastic! Please take a seat! We have 150 seats available.

For older children we are always screening the latest films. Each week children also put on theatre shows for the adults, e.g. children’s show, fashion show, playback show and Mimo the magic clown.


The gymnasium is not just a place to go when the weather is bad. All year round it provides a huge space to play, run wild, hold competitive games or simply just to make some noise.

Hotel garden

The hotel garden is also available throughout the year with its witch’s village adventure playground. It is open for playing and climbing in both summer and winter.

Kidspool and tyre waterslide

The kidspool is one of the water-based wonders of the world. With a pirate ship, slide and gold-panning area, it is sure to excite little water lovers. Older children (from 8 years and up) can enjoy the 90 m high-speed tyre waterslide.

Ski holidays with children

In the winter, parents with small children love our children’s ski school that takes place right on the hotel’s grounds (visible from all rooms in the hotel).

Summer holidays with children

Perfect for family holidays in the summer: Our hotel garden has plenty to get children excited on their family holiday in the summertime.


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