Summer holidays with children

Perfect for family holidays in the summer: Our hotel garden has plenty to get children excited on their family holiday in the summertime: an adventure playground, large sandpit, boat pool, bouncy castle, trampoline, car race track and a whole range of toys.


At least once per week our mini club goes out pony riding. Private riding lessons and guided rides can be booked at reception. Greetings from Winnetou!

Petting zoo

Pet, stroke and feed the animals. We meet once each week at the Bichlbach petting zoo to enjoy the quacking, neighing and chattering of the animals. Animal focused fun for children and parents alike is anything other than a reason to moan. Petting zoo trips take place from May to October and are organised by the Mini Club.


Now that’s high! At the Alpenrose children can also climb up the walls: our climbing wall, that is. 10 m high with all levels of difficulty and always doubly-secured by our supervisors. Great for young newbies and ambitious climbers. One of them will be the “climbing king” – and the winner receives a certificate of victory!

Guided family walks

Twice a week we go for a walk with the Lermoos Alpine School. Further information is available in our daily programme.


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