Our family highlights

An overview of all the play, fun and relaxation zones available in our hotel

Indoor playing area pielen (2.000 sqm)

Theatre, cinema, gym, go-karts, soft play area, softball batting range, children’s carousel, Playstation and Wii room, billiards and table soccer, Virtual Reality room, video soccer, climbing wall

Playing in the hotel garden

Children’s driving obstacle course, adventure playground, giant trampoline, slide, bouncy castle, sand pit play area, toddler ski school (seasonal availability)

Bathing and splashing

Indoor pool, outdoor pool, kidspool with pirate ship and sandy beach, 90 metre high-speed tyre water slide with timer feature

Baby and child care

0-16 years, 24 professional carers, available 7 days a week, 8:00 to 21:00

Fridolin Fox

Our mascot Fridolin Fox is not being modest during his morning club dance when he swings his hips, sings and dances whilst telling everyone how amazing our play areas are and that our baby and child care is simply the best. “Alpenrose, Alpenrose!” sing the children in unison.

Rest and relaxation

Wellness complex: 6 saunas in the adult’s only area, seperate Family sauna area, relaxation room with waterbeds, aqua meditation room, spa offering a range of treatments (massages, bathing, cosmetic treatments, Ayurveda, Ägyptos, products from St. Barth and Maria Galland)


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