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Learn to swim at Alpenrose Familux Resort

Get out of your water wings and into the water. Would you like your children to learn to swim this year, without any stress or worry for you? We have exactly what you are looking for, because we know that learning to swim is a matter of trust. Our experienced swimming instructors combined with the small groups, only a maximum of five participants, is the perfect setting for your child to safely learn at their own pace. In addition, our pool is ideal for young swimmers because its depth and temperature are specifically tailored to children. This makes learning to swim really fun.

Why learn to swim on vacation?

  • Water Safety: Learning to swim allows children to acquire vital water skills.
  • Carefree water fun: If children can swim, they can fully enjoy the water and pool in the hotel. This also allows parents to have a more relaxed vacation time.
  • Social Interaction: Learning to swim at the hotel offers children the opportunity to make new friends and have fun in the pool together.
  • Exercise: Swimming is a great form of physical activity that promotes fitness and overall health in children.
  • Self-confidence: Learning new skills, such as swimming, greatly increases children’s self-confidence. When they take swimming lessons on vacation and make progress, they can be proud of themselves and transfer the confidence they have learned into other areas of their life.

Course times

  • Takes place between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Swimming instructor Anne Kleina & Karin Stiefelbauer

Individual swimming courses

Package deal

For arrival Saturday or Sunday and 5-night minimum stay:

Take advantage of this opportunity to refine your kids’ swimming technique and make their vacation with us even more unforgettable. At the end of the 5-day course there will be a certificate and a small award ceremony. If you book a package, the price 5=4 also applies.


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