Toddler Club (1-2.9 years)

Your adorable toddlers have the best time here. Thanks to our Kids Coaches they can explore and play for 13 hours per day (from 8:00 to 21:00) in our Toddler Club. Here there is plenty of time and space for crawling around and letting that young curiosity loose to explore and enjoy new experiences. Here we paint, do crafts, read and make new friends! Our colourful walls and friendly atmosphere light up the young eyes with excitement from the very outset. The holiday dreams of both children and adults are brought together here with us, and you can also find the time to spend alone as a couple again. The Toddler Club is one of a few “Children at Play” areas, where we let the children explore and have fun independently from their parents. Enjoy a good, undisturbed chat with your partner over a delicious coffee right in the middle of the fantastic Tyrolean Alps, or a relaxing massage in our spa. Take time for yourself. Your child safe and entertained with us so that you can sit back and unwind.


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