Offers & specials

Our offers for your perfect family holiday in the Alps

The professional baby and children’s clubs, the countless opportunities for playing and romping, but also for relaxing and recuperating, all topped off with the crème de la crème of gourmet cui-sine, make our children’s hotel the perfect address for your family holiday. Take advantage of our special all-in-one family hotel rate.

Top offers


For our specials week in cooperation with fitdankbaby®, new parents can from 04. to 08.12.2023 enjoy their well-deserved holiday and at the same time do something good for both themselves and their baby. The special offer includes a daily course programme for pregnant women, as well as for mums and dads with their babies. Participants are guided by a highly qualified postnatal training course leader.

5 = 4, book 5 days = pay for 4 days

05.11. till 26.11.2023 I 01.12. till 23.12.2023
07.01. till 27.01.2024 I 03.03. till 23.03.2024
21.04. till 08.05.2024 I 12.05. till 17.05.2024
02.06. till 28.06.2024 I 08.09. till 27.09.2024
03.11. till 08.12.2024

When booking a stay of at least 5 nights within the specified period, the last night is free. Can also extendable to 6 = 5 or 7 = 6…

*Changes reserved

Singles Weeks (single adult with child)

05.11. till 26.11.2023 I 01.12. till 23.12.2023
07.01. till 27.01.2024 I 03.03. till 23.03.2024
21.04. till 08.05.2024 I 02.06. till 28.06.2024
08.09. till 27.09.2024 I 03.11. till 08.12.2024

When staying a minimum stay of 7 nights as one parent with your child(ren) in a room type of your choice you will only pay one adult full price and the standard children’s price.

Long stay benefits

We offer prices that reduce depending on the length of stay.

Our long stay benefits in detail: starting from 4 nights = 5% discount, 7 nights or more = 8% discount, 10 nights or more = 10% discount

(cannot be combined with other actions or packages)

Important information for your future bookings!

Moreover, as our prices are dynamic and will change according to occupancy and time of booking. You are most likely already familiar with this system from city hotels and airlines.

Your advantage: Book early and secure the best price! Please don’t hesitate to contact us, we’re always happy to assist and provide you with a non-binding offer.

Cosy Weeks

05.11. till 22.12.2023

The winter season in the Zugspitze mountain area is filled with (delightful) ambiance. Get together with us and create valuable family moments on a torch-lit hike or around the campfire …


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