Bathing facilities

Our wonderful world of water has an indoor and outdoor pool (approx. 30 °C). For our small guests there is the kidspool (approx. 35 °C). The depth of the swimming pool is 1.4 m and the depth of the children’s pool is 20 cm. Bath robes and towels for adults and children are available free of charge for the duration of your stay.

The pools

Move from the generously sized indoor pool with a counter current system to the outdoor pool with its fantastic and imposing view of the Zugspitz massif and Sonnenspitze.


Our kidspool has a large wooden pirate ship and a real sandy beach means there’ll be no mutiny from our little mutineers. Great battles are fought using the water cannons and there’s even a “real life” pirate hiding in the family steam room. A slide put the finishing touches to this pirate-themed fun.

The slides

At 90 metres long, this high-speed tyre water slide with safety timer and dark tubes is a huge hit. Single and double tyres are available for you to experience this medium intensity slide alone or together. Our Turbo-, Triple-, and Kamikaze Slide complete the slide paradise.

Fred's Swim Academy

Learn to swim on holiday! “Be like a frog” is Fred’s motto! Well, the mascot of the Swim Academy does have a point. He easily finds the right way to move your legs (i.e. a frog style movement). And children that follow his advice will do well. Using the 3-step learn-to-swim system for all ages, specially designed swimming aids such as the SwimTrainer, a children’s swimming teacher and a bit of help from Fred, children will make quick progress. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding swim lessons at


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