Kids' wellness

We have put together special offers for children. The beauty treatments should primarily be fun. A careful and loving treatment is particularly important to us. The massage techniques are individually tailored to each child.
Up to 14 years

Bookable packages

Does your child still not know hot to swim? At the Oberjoch Familux Resort, that can change, in a pleasant atmosphere, together with other girls and boys.

An experienced swimming instructor works with groups of no more than six children to teach them how to be comfortable in the water, the different swimming strokes and help overcome fears before diving or going to the deep end. Our kids’ swimming lessons are different than those in school or at the club. We want every child to have fun and learn how to enjoy being in the water with play.

The conditions for children’s swimming lessons are perfect here. There’s plenty of time and a relaxed pace so that your child can become comfortable with the situation. Our children’s swimming lessons include all the equipment and a relaxed atmosphere to enable your child to be successful in learning how to swim.


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