Starting from the hotel: Hiking with the Lermoos Alpine School

Pure nature as far as the eye can see. Or as far as you want to walk. Twice a week, our certified hiking guide will take you to the most beautiful and fascinating places. They know walking routes to suit every individual – from short walks to extra-long hikes, from reaching the peaks of mountains to enjoyable family walks. Baby back carriers and mountain buggies are available to hire free of charge in our hotel. Have we got you in the mood for a good walk on your family holiday?

Selected family walks

Tuftalm and viewing platform
Heading out over the “Kerlesteig”, a 1.5 hour walk through narrow forest paths up the mountainside (approx. 500 m rise in elevation) brings you to the Tuftalm. From there we climb onto the newly built viewing platform with a fantastic panoramic view over the entire valley floor. Here we can also sample some local homemade products such as Alpine cheese, buttermilk and fresh Alpine butter. We then head back via the “Bösen Winkl” to the hotel. You can collect 2 stamps for your hut pass on this walk.

Difficulty: easy (also suitable for active children from 7 years who enjoy hiking and for parents with small children in a baby back carrier; Equipment: sturdy shoes with a good profile, drinks and a small snack, sun protection / weatherproof clothing.

Waterfall adventure & the Gamsalm
The hotel shuttle takes you to Ehrwald for the Häselgehr waterfall, where our walk will start. After visiting the waterfall we head along a relatively level path through the woods and across meadows to reach the Chapel of St. Anna. There is then a short climb to the Gamsalm directly beneath the Wetterstein mountains, taking about 40 minutes. We make a stop here to enjoy some delicious Tyrolean food. After a short downhill walk through the woods and meadows we head back to Lermoos with the hotel shuttle.

Difficulty: easy (also suitable for active children from 6 years who enjoy hiking and for parents with small children in a baby back carrier; Equipment: sturdy shoes with a good profile, drinks and a small snack, sun protection / weatherproof clothing.

3 lakes & the Loisach spring
From Biberwier we walk past the Weissensee lake. We continue along narrow woodland paths until we reach the turquoise waters of the Blindsee lake and make our way along its shores (option to swim). Forest paths and meadow tracks bring us to the Mittersee lake. We will stop here for a short break to relax and enjoy the snacks we have brought with us. At the Loisach spring we will sample the cool, fresh spring water. You can collect 4 stamps for your hut pass on this walk = bronze walking pin. Afterwards, the Alpenrose shuttle bus brings us back to the hotel.

Difficulty: easy (also suitable for active children from 5 years who enjoy hiking and for parents with small children in a baby back carrier; Equipment: sturdy shoes with a good profile, drinks and a small snack, sun protection / weatherproof clothing.


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